Gaming is mainstream, and with a huge variety of game genres we can find the right style of game to achieve your learning objectives and appeal to your target audience, whatever the arena.
When we were asked to create a game that helped healthcare professionals to recognise when a patient was becoming sicker and needed to be assessed for more intensive intervention, we remembered the kinds of “roll the dice adventure books”, that end up with multiple branching story lines. From this starting point we created a scenario-based learning game with increasing difficulty levels that tackled decision making and communication between team members.
When we were asked how we could help surgeons embed three core principles into their use of a laser for prostate surgery, we translated those core skills into an arcade game that puts the player on a flying disc that mimics the movements required and gives them a series of more challenging flying blocks to vaporize. Winning demands that they maintain the right distance from the blocks – the most important thing to remember during the surgery.
With years of experience in taking learning objectives thinking around the problem and designing games that can engage learners, we’d love to help you invent new ways to bring a fresh take on online learning with proper gamification to your training and education programs.